Budget Implementation Act, 2009 (S.C. 2009, c. 2)
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Assented to 2009-03-12
1997, c. 36Customs Tariff
122. Paragraph 133(c) of the Customs Tariff is replaced by the following:
(c) for the purposes of tariff item No. 9801.10.10, 9801.10.20, 9801.20.00, 9808.00.00 or 9810.00.00, prescribing conditions under which goods may be imported;
123. Chapter 4 of the List of Tariff Provisions set out in the schedule to the Act is amended by adding the following after Supplementary Note 2:
- 3.Milk protein substances with a milk protein content of less than 85% by weight, calculated on the dry matter, are classified in tariff item No. 0404.90.10 or 0404.90.20. Milk protein substances with a milk protein content of 85% or more by weight, calculated on the dry matter, are classified in Chapter 35 (subheading 3504.00).
124. Tariff item No. 0404.90.10 in the List of Tariff Provisions set out in the schedule to the Act is amended by replacing in the column “Most-Favoured Nation Tariff / Final Rate” the reference to “6.5% (B)” with a reference to “3% (F)”.
125. Chapter 35 of the List of Tariff Provisions set out in the schedule to the Act is amended by adding the following after Note 2:
Supplementary Note.
- 1.Milk protein substances with a milk protein content of 85% or more by weight, calculated on the dry matter, are classified in tariff item No. 3504.00.11 or 3504.00.12. Milk protein substances with a milk protein content of less than 85% by weight, calculated on the dry matter, are classified in Chapter 4 (subheading 0404.90).
126. Tariff item No. 3504.00.00 in the List of Tariff Provisions set out in the schedule to the Act is repealed.
127. Chapter 35 of the List of Tariff Provisions set out in the schedule to the Act is amended by adding, in numerical order, the tariff provisions set out in Schedule 1 to this Act.
128. The following tariff provisions of the List of Tariff Provisions set out in the schedule to the Act are repealed:
The preamble preceding subheading 8406.81, subheading 8406.81, tariff item Nos. 8406.81.10, 8406.81.90, subheading 8406.82, the preamble preceding tariff item No. 8406.82.11, tariff item Nos. 8406.82.11, 8406.82.19, 8406.82.90, subheading 8413.50, tariff item Nos. 8413.50.10, 8413.50.90, subheading 8413.60, tariff item Nos. 8413.60.10, 8413.60.90, 8413.70.90, subheading 8413.81, tariff item Nos. 8413.81.10, 8413.81.90, subheading 8414.10, tariff item No. 8414.10.10, the preamble preceding tariff item No. 8414.10.91, tariff item Nos. 8414.10.91, 8414.10.99, subheading 8416.10, tariff item Nos. 8416.10.10, 8416.10.90, subheading 8417.10, tariff item No. 8417.10.10, the preamble preceding tariff item No. 8417.10.91, tariff item Nos. 8417.10.91, 8417.10.99, subheading 8417.80, tariff item Nos. 8417.80.10, 8417.80.90, subheading 8417.90, tariff item Nos. 8417.90.10, 8417.90.20, subheading 8418.69, tariff item Nos. 8418.69.10, 8418.69.90, the preamble preceding subheading 8419.31, subheading 8419.31, tariff item Nos. 8419.31.10, 8419.31.90, subheading 8419.32, tariff item Nos. 8419.32.10, 8419.32.20, subheading 8419.39, tariff item No. 8419.39.10, the preamble preceding tariff item No. 8419.39.91, tariff item Nos. 8419.39.91, 8419.39.99, subheading 8419.40, tariff item Nos. 8419.40.10, 8419.40.90, subheading 8419.81, tariff item Nos. 8419.81.10, 8419.81.90, subheading 8420.10, tariff item Nos. 8420.10.10, 8420.10.90, subheading 8421.21, tariff item Nos. 8421.21.10, 8421.21.90, subheading 8421.22, tariff item Nos. 8421.22.10, 8421.22.90, subheading 8421.29, tariff item Nos. 8421.29.10, 8421.29.90, subheading 8422.20, tariff item No. 8422.20.10, the preamble preceding tariff item No. 8422.20.91, tariff item Nos. 8422.20.91, 8422.20.99, subheading 8422.30, tariff item No. 8422.30.10, the preamble preceding tariff item No. 8422.30.91, tariff item Nos. 8422.30.91, 8422.30.99, subheading 8422.40, tariff item No. 8422.40.10, the preamble preceding tariff item No. 8422.40.91, tariff item Nos. 8422.40.91, 8422.40.99, subheading 8424.20, tariff item Nos. 8424.20.10, 8424.20.90, subheading 8424.30, tariff item Nos. 8424.30.10, 8424.30.90, subheading 8424.89, tariff item Nos. 8424.89.10, 8424.89.90, subheading 8424.90, tariff item Nos. 8424.90.10, 8424.90.90, the preamble preceding tariff item No. 8427.10.91, tariff item Nos. 8427.10.91, 8427.10.99, the preamble preceding tariff item No. 8427.20.91, tariff item Nos. 8427.20.91, 8427.20.99, subheading 8427.90, tariff item Nos. 8427.90.10, 8427.90.90, subheading 8438.10, tariff item Nos. 8438.10.10, 8438.10.90, subheading 8438.50, tariff item No. 8438.50.10, the preamble preceding tariff item No. 8438.50.91, tariff item Nos. 8438.50.91, 8438.50.99, subheading 8438.80, tariff item No. 8438.80.10, the preamble preceding tariff item No. 8438.80.91, tariff item Nos. 8438.80.91, 8438.80.99, subheading 8438.90, tariff item Nos. 8438.90.10, 8438.90.20, subheading 8440.10, tariff item Nos. 8440.10.10, 8440.10.90, subheading 8441.10, tariff item Nos. 8441.10.10, 8441.10.90, subheading 8442.50, tariff item Nos. 8442.50.10, 8442.50.20, 8442.50.90, subheading 8443.11, tariff item Nos. 8443.11.10, 8443.11.20, subheading 8443.14, tariff item Nos. 8443.14.10, 8443.14.20, subheading 8443.15, tariff item Nos. 8443.15.10, 8443.15.20, subheading 8443.16, tariff item Nos. 8443.16.10, 8443.16.20, subheading 8443.19, tariff item Nos. 8443.19.10, 8443.19.20, subheading 8443.32, tariff item Nos. 8443.32.10, 8443.32.90, subheading 8443.39, tariff item Nos. 8443.39.10, 8443.39.90, the preamble preceding subheading 8443.91, subheading 8443.91, tariff item Nos. 8443.91.10, 8443.91.90, subheading 8443.99, tariff item Nos. 8443.99.10, 8443.99.90, subheading 8452.21, tariff item Nos. 8452.21.10, 8452.21.90, subheading 8453.10, tariff item No. 8453.10.10, the preamble preceding tariff item No. 8453.10.91, tariff item Nos. 8453.10.91, 8453.10.99, subheading 8454.20, tariff item Nos. 8454.20.10, 8454.20.20, 8454.20.30, subheading 8454.30, tariff item Nos. 8454.30.10, 8454.30.90, subheading 8456.10, tariff item Nos. 8456.10.10, 8456.10.90, subheading 8456.20, tariff item Nos. 8456.20.10, 8456.20.90, subheading 8456.90, tariff item Nos. 8456.90.10, 8456.90.90, the preamble preceding tariff item No. 8462.99.91, tariff item Nos. 8462.99.91, 8462.99.99, subheading 8464.20, tariff item Nos. 8464.20.10, 8464.20.90, the preamble preceding subheading 8465.91, subheading 8465.91, tariff item Nos. 8465.91.10, 8465.91.90, subheading 8465.92, tariff item Nos. 8465.92.10, 8465.92.90, subheading 8465.93, tariff item Nos. 8465.93.10, 8465.93.90, subheading 8465.94, tariff item Nos. 8465.94.10, 8465.94.90, subheading 8465.95, tariff item Nos. 8465.95.10, 8465.95.90, subheading 8465.96, tariff item Nos. 8465.96.10, 8465.96.90, subheading 8465.99, tariff item Nos. 8465.99.10, 8465.99.90, subheading 8472.90, tariff item Nos. 8472.90.10, 8472.90.90, subheading 8479.20, tariff item Nos. 8479.20.10, 8479.20.90, subheading 8479.30, tariff item Nos. 8479.30.10, 8479.30.90, subheading 8479.40, tariff item Nos. 8479.40.10, 8479.40.90, subheading 8479.81, tariff item Nos. 8479.81.10, 8479.81.90, subheading 8479.82, tariff item Nos. 8479.82.10, 8479.82.90, the preamble preceding tariff item No. 8479.89.91, tariff item Nos. 8479.89.91, 8479.89.99, subheading 8480.41, tariff item Nos. 8480.41.10, 8480.41.90, subheading 8482.20, tariff item Nos. 8482.20.10, 8482.20.90, subheading 8482.91, tariff item No. 8482.91.10, the preamble preceding tariff item No. 8482.91.91, tariff item Nos. 8482.91.91, 8482.91.99, the preamble preceding tariff item No. 8482.99.91, tariff item Nos. 8482.99.91, 8482.99.99, subheading 8484.10, tariff item Nos. 8484.10.10, 8484.10.90, subheading 8484.20, tariff item Nos. 8484.20.10, 8484.20.90, subheading 8484.90, tariff item Nos. 8484.90.10, 8484.90.90, subheading 8487.90, tariff item Nos. 8487.90.10, 8487.90.90, subheading 8504.10, tariff item Nos. 8504.10.10, 8504.10.90, the preamble preceding subheading 8504.21, subheading 8504.21, tariff item Nos. 8504.21.10, 8504.21.90, subheading 8504.22, tariff item Nos. 8504.22.10, 8504.22.90, subheading 8504.23, tariff item Nos. 8504.23.10, 8504.23.90, the preamble preceding subheading 8504.31, subheading 8504.31, tariff item Nos. 8504.31.10, 8504.31.90, subheading 8504.32, tariff item Nos. 8504.32.10, 8504.32.90, subheading 8504.33, tariff item Nos. 8504.33.10, 8504.33.90, subheading 8504.34, tariff item Nos. 8504.34.10, 8504.34.90, subheading 8504.50, tariff item Nos. 8504.50.10, 8504.50.20, 8504.50.90, subheading 8505.19, tariff item Nos. 8505.19.10, 8505.19.90, subheading 8505.20, tariff item Nos. 8505.20.10, 8505.20.90, subheading 8512.20, tariff item Nos. 8512.20.10, 8512.20.90, subheading 8512.90, tariff item Nos. 8512.90.10, 8512.90.90, subheading 8514.10, the preamble preceding tariff item No. 8514.10.11, tariff item Nos. 8514.10.11, 8514.10.19, 8514.10.90, subheading 8514.20, the preamble preceding tariff item No. 8514.20.11, tariff item Nos. 8514.20.11, 8514.20.19, 8514.20.90, subheading 8514.30, the preamble preceding tariff item No. 8514.30.11, tariff item Nos. 8514.30.11, 8514.30.19, 8514.30.90, subheading 8514.40, tariff item Nos. 8514.40.10, 8514.40.90, subheading 8515.19, tariff item Nos. 8515.19.10, 8515.19.90, the preamble preceding subheading 8515.21, subheading 8515.21, tariff item Nos. 8515.21.10, 8515.21.90, subheading 8515.29, tariff item Nos. 8515.29.10, 8515.29.90, subheading 8535.10, tariff item Nos. 8535.10.10, 8535.10.90, subheading 8535.21, tariff item Nos. 8535.21.10, 8535.21.90, subheading 8535.30, tariff item Nos. 8535.30.10, 8535.30.90, subheading 8536.10, tariff item Nos. 8536.10.10, 8536.10.90, the preamble preceding subheading 8536.41, subheading 8536.41, tariff item Nos. 8536.41.10, 8536.41.20, 8536.41.90, subheading 8536.49, tariff item Nos. 8536.49.10, 8536.49.90, subheading 8536.69, tariff item Nos. 8536.69.10, 8536.69.20, 8536.69.90, 8537.10.92, subheading 8537.20, tariff item Nos. 8537.20.10, 8537.20.90, subheading 8538.10, tariff item Nos. 8538.10.10, 8538.10.90, the preamble preceding tariff item No. 8538.90.91, tariff item Nos. 8538.90.91, 8538.90.99, subheading 8540.81, tariff item Nos. 8540.81.10, 8540.81.90, subheading 8543.10, tariff item Nos. 8543.10.10, 8543.10.90, subheading 8543.30, tariff item No. 8543.30.10, the preamble preceding tariff item No. 8543.30.91, tariff item Nos. 8543.30.91, 8543.30.99, subheading 8543.70, tariff item No. 8543.70.10, the preamble preceding tariff item No. 8543.70.21, tariff item Nos. 8543.70.21, 8543.70.29, the preamble preceding tariff item No. 8543.70.91, tariff item Nos. 8543.70.91, 8543.70.99, subheading 8543.90, tariff item Nos. 8543.90.20, 8543.90.90, subheading 8544.20, tariff item Nos. 8544.20.10, 8544.20.90, subheading 8544.42, tariff item Nos. 8544.42.10, 8544.42.20, 8544.42.90, subheading 8547.10, tariff item Nos. 8547.10.10, 8547.10.90, subheading 8547.90, tariff item Nos. 8547.90.10, 8547.90.90 and 9801.10.00.
129. The Description of Goods in the preamble preceding tariff item No. 8406.90.31 in the List of Tariff Provisions set out in the schedule to the Act is replaced by the following:
---Other parts of the goods of tariff item No. 8406.81.00 or 8406.82.00:
130. Tariff item No. 8406.90.32 in the List of Tariff Provisions set out in the schedule to the Act is amended by replacing in the column “Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff / Final Rate” the reference to “6.5% (A)” with a reference to “Free (F)”.
131. Tariff item No. 8406.90.34 in the List of Tariff Provisions set out in the schedule to the Act is amended by replacing in the column “Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff / Final Rate” the reference to “6.5% (A)” with a reference to “Free (F)”.
132. Tariff item No. 8406.90.37 in the List of Tariff Provisions set out in the schedule to the Act is amended by replacing in the column “Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff / Final Rate” the reference to “6.5% (A)” with a reference to “Free (F)”.
133. Tariff item No. 8406.90.39 in the List of Tariff Provisions set out in the schedule to the Act is amended by replacing in the column “Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff / Final Rate” the reference to “6.5% (A)” with a reference to “Free (F)”.
134. Tariff item No. 8413.91.10 in the List of Tariff Provisions set out in the schedule to the Act is amended by replacing in the column “Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff / Final Rate” the reference to “2.5% (A)” with a reference to “Free (F)”.
135. Tariff item No. 8413.91.20 in the List of Tariff Provisions set out in the schedule to the Act is amended by replacing
(a) in the Description of Goods, the reference to “8413.50.90, 8413.60.90, 8413.70.90 or 8413.81.90” with a reference to “8413.50.00, 8413.60.00, 8413.70.91, 8413.70.99 or 8413.81.00”; and
(b) in the column “Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff / Final Rate”, the reference to “2.5% (A)” with a reference to “Free (F)”.
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