Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Budget Implementation Act, 2018, No. 1 (S.C. 2018, c. 12)

Act current to 2024-12-23 and last amended on 2024-04-01. Previous Versions

PART 6Various Measures (continued)

DIVISION 16Financial Sector Legislative Renewal (continued)

SUBDIVISION AFinancial Technology Activities (continued)





Green Shield Canada Act


Coming into Force

Marginal note:Order in council

Footnote * The provisions of this Subdivision, other than subsections 310(2), 316(2), 324(2), 329(2) and 340(1), come into force on a day or days to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

  • Return to footnote *[Note: The provisions of Subdivision A, other than subsections 310(2), 316(2), 324(2), 329(2) and 340(1), not in force.]

SUBDIVISION BLife Insurance Companies (Infrastructure Investment)

Insurance Companies Act








Coordinating Amendments


Coming into Force

Marginal note:Order in council

Footnote * Sections 342 to 348 come into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

SUBDIVISION CBank Terminology

Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Act


Bank Act



SUBDIVISION DSunset Provisions

Trust and Loan Companies Act


Bank Act



Insurance Companies Act



DIVISION 17Western Economic Diversification Act


DIVISION 18Parliament of Canada Act


DIVISION 19Canada Pension Plan

Amendments to the Act










































Coming into Force

Marginal note:Subsection 114(2) of Canada Pension Plan does not apply

  •  (1) Subsection 114(2) of the Canada Pension Plan does not apply in respect of the amendments to that Act contained in this Division.

  • Marginal note:Order in council

    Footnote *(2) This Division, other than subsections 361(1) and (2), sections 365 and 371 and subsections 372(3), (5) and (6), 392(1), 399(2) and 401(3), comes into force, in accordance with subsection 114(4) of the Canada Pension Plan, on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

    • Return to footnote *[Note: Division 19, other than subsections 361(1) and (2), sections 365 and 371 and subsections 372(3), (5) and (6), 392(1), 399(2) and 401(3), in force December 15, 2018, see SI/2018-114.]

DIVISION 20Criminal Code

Amendments to the Act




Transitional Provisions

 [Transitional Provisions]

Related Amendments to the Seized Property Management Act



Coming into Force

Marginal note:Ninetieth day after royal assent

 This Division comes into force on the 90th day after the day on which this Act receives royal assent.


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