Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Public Service Modernization Act (S.C. 2003, c. 22)

Act current to 2024-06-20 and last amended on 2014-01-01. Previous Versions

Public Service Modernization Act

S.C. 2003, c. 22

Assented to 2003-11-07

An Act to modernize employment and labour relations in the public service and to amend the Financial Administration Act and the Canadian Centre for Management Development Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

Marginal note:Short title

 This Act may be cited as the Public Service Modernization Act.

PART 1Public Service Labour Relations Act

 The Public Service Labour Relations Act is enacted as follows:

[See Public Service Labour Relations Act]

PART 2Amendments to the Financial Administration Act










PART 3Public Service Employment Act

DIVISION 1Enactment of Act

 The Public Service Employment Act is enacted as follows:

[See Public Service Employment Act]

Marginal note:Schedule to the Public Service Employment Act

 The schedule to the Public Service Employment Act enacted by section 12 of this Act is set out in Schedule 2 to this Act.

DIVISION 2Amendments to the Public Service Employment Act


 [Repealed before coming into force, 2008, c. 20, s. 3]

 [Repealed before coming into force, 2008, c. 20, s. 3]

 [Repealed before coming into force, 2008, c. 20, s. 3]

 [Repealed before coming into force, 2008, c. 20, s. 3]


 [Repealed before coming into force, 2008, c. 20, s. 3]

PART 4Amendments to the Canadian Centre for Management Development Act
















PART 5Transitional

DIVISION 1Transitional Provisions Arising from the Enactment of the Public Service Labour Relations Act in Part 1


 [Transitional provision]

Public Service Staff Relations Board

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

Bargaining Agents and Bargaining Units

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

Managerial or Confidential Position

 [Transitional provision]

Choice of Process for Dispute Resolution

 [Transitional provision]

Collective Agreements and Arbitral Awards

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

Conciliators and Fact Finders

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

Alternate Dispute Resolution Process

 [Transitional provision]


 [Transitional provision]

Designations, Conciliation and Prohibitions

 [Transitional provision]


 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]


 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

DIVISION 2Transitional Provision Arising from the Amendments to the Financial Administration Act in Part 2

 [Transitional provision]

DIVISION 3Transitional Provisions Arising from Part 3

 [Transitional provision]

SUBDIVISION ATransitional Provisions Arising from the Enactment of the Public Service Employment Act in Division 1 of Part 3

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

SUBDIVISION BTransitional Provisions Arising from the Amendments to the Public Service Employment Act in Division 2 of Part 3

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

 [Repealed before coming into force, 2008, c. 20, s. 3]

DIVISION 4Transitional Provisions Arising from the Amendments to the Canadian Centre for Management Development Act in Part 4

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

 [Transitional provision]

PART 6Consequential Amendments

DIVISION 1Consequential Amendments Arising from the Enactment of the Public Service Labour Relations Act in Part 1 and the Amendments to the Financial Administration Act in Part 2

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Aeronautics Act


Auditor General Act




Bank of Canada Act



Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act






Canada Elections Act





Canada Evidence Act



Canada Grain Act


Canada Labour Code







Canada Marine Act



Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act



Canada-Newfoundland Atlantic Accord Implementation Act






Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act






Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act



Canada Pension Plan



Canada Petroleum Resources Act


Canada School of Public Service Act




Canadian Commercial Corporation Act


Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act


Canadian Forces Superannuation Act


Canadian Human Rights Act


Canadian Institutes of Health Research Act





Canadian Payments Act


Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act





Canadian Space Agency Act


Children’s Special Allowances Act


Citizenship Act


Civil Air Navigation Services Commercialization Act



Cooperative Energy Act



Copyright Act


Corrections and Conditional Release Act


Courts Administration Service Act



Defence Production Act



Department of Human Resources Development Act


Department of Veterans Affairs Act


Diplomatic Service (Special) Superannuation Act


Employment Equity Act





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