British Columbia Turkey Marketing Board (Interprovincial and Export) Order (C.R.C., c. 150)
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Regulations are current to 2024-06-20
British Columbia Turkey Marketing Board (Interprovincial and Export) Order
C.R.C., c. 150
Order Respecting the Marketing in Interprovincial and Export Trade of Turkeys Produced in British Columbia
Short Title
1 This Order may be cited as the British Columbia Turkey Marketing Board (Interprovincial and Export) Order.
2 In this Order, unless the context requires otherwise,
- agency
agency means a person designated by the Commodity Board as being a person through which any regulated product shall be processed, packed, stored or marketed; (agence)
- area
area means the Province of British Columbia; (région)
- Commodity Board
Commodity Board means the British Columbia Turkey Marketing Board; (Office de commercialisation)
- British Columbia Act
British Columbia Act means the Natural Products Marketing (British Columbia) Act, Revised Statutes of British Columbia, 1960, Chapter 263; (Loi de la Colombie-Britannique)
- caterer
caterer means any person who uses the regulated product on his premises in serving food to the public; (traiteur)
- container
container means any covering, bag, box or other container or receptacle in which the regulated product can be packed, transported or marketed; (contenant)
- Federal Act
Federal Act means the Agricultural Products Marketing Act; (Loi fédérale)
- grower
grower means any person owning and operating a farm or farms, for production of turkeys in the area to which the scheme relates, and includes any person operating under lease or agreement the terms of which provide that the returns for the crop are payable to the persons operating the farm; (producteur)
- marketing
marketing includes buying, selling, disposing of, and offering for sale or other disposition in any manner by any person, and includes transportation of the regulated product; (commercialisation)
- municipal market
municipal market means any public market maintained by a municipal corporation; (marché municipal)
- peddler
peddler means any person who sells or offers for sale the regulated product on the street or on premises other than a fixed commercial establishment operated by him; (colporteur)
- person
person means any human being, firm, partnership or corporation who, or which, grows, packs, processes, stores, transports or markets the regulated product, and includes the servants, agents and employees of any such human being, firm, partnership or corporation; (personne)
- processor
processor means any person who changes the nature of the regulated product by mechanical means or otherwise, and markets, offers for sale, sells, stores or transports the processed or manufactured product; (transformateur)
- producer-vendor
producer-vendor means any grower who processes and markets, offers for sale, sells, stores or transports all or any portion of the regulated product grown by him but does not process, market, offer for sale, sell, store or transport the regulated product grown by any other person; (producteur-vendeur)
- quota
quota means the maximum quantity of the regulated product issued by the Commodity Board for any purpose under this Order; (contingent)
- regulated product
regulated product means any class of turkey raised for meat or egg production grown in the area covered by the British Columbia Turkey Marketing Scheme and includes any quantity of the product; (produit réglementé)
- retailer
retailer means any person who sells or offers for sale the regulated product direct to consumers from a fixed commercial establishment operated by him, but shall not be deemed to include a grower who sells or offers for sale direct to consumers the regulated product grown by him from his own roadside stand or from a stall in the municipal market; (détaillant)
- transport order
transport order means any order, in a form approved by the Commodity Board and issued in the name of the Commodity Board by a duly authorized employee or nominee of the Commodity Board, authorizing the moving or transporting of the regulated product from one place to another; (ordre de transport)
- trucker
trucker means any person who holds or is required by law to hold a public or limited freight licence issued by the Public Utilities Commission of British Columbia, but shall not be deemed to include a grower who uses his own truck to haul the regulated product grown by him and does not use it to haul the regulated product grown by anyone else; (camionneur)
- unit of regulated product
unit of regulated product means a single turkey grown for meat and/or egg production in the area covered by the Commodity Board; (unité de produit réglementé)
- warehouseman
warehouseman means any person, other than an agency, who stores the regulated product for another person; (entreposeur)
- wholesaler
wholesaler means any person, other than an agency, who sells, or offers for sale the regulated product to any retailer, peddler, caterer, processor or wholesaler or otherwise than directly to the consumer. (grossiste)
Books, Records and Information
3 (1) Every person shall keep in the English language complete and accurate books and records of all matters relating to the production, processing, packing, storing, transporting and marketing of the regulated product by him.
(2) For the purpose of ascertaining whether the orders, rules and regulations of the Commodity Board are being complied with, every person shall, upon request, produce for inspection by the Board, or any members of the Commodity Board, or any of its employees or any other individual authorized by the Commodity Board for that purpose, all such books and records kept by him.
(3) Every person shall upon request, furnish to the Commodity Board any information relating to the production, processing, packing, storing, transporting and marketing by him of the regulated product, and shall make specific answers to any questions submitted to him by any member or employee of the Board or any other individual duly authorized by the Commodity Board.
(4) Every person shall permit any member or employee of the Commodity Board or any other person authorized by the Commodity Board to inspect all premises occupied or controlled by such person.
(5) Every person in charge of any vehicle in which the regulated product could be transported shall, when requested or ordered to do so by any member or employee of the Commodity Board or a police constable, bring the vehicle to a stop and permit the member or employee or any police constable to search the vehicle.
Licensing Regulations
4 (1) Subject to subsection (4), no person shall grow, process, pack, store, transport or market the regulated product unless he registers with the Commodity Board and is qualified to, and does, obtain from the Commodity Board annually one or more appropriate licences of the types hereinafter described, and pays to the Commodity Board annually the fee for such licence as hereinunder prescribed:
- Caterer’s LicenceNo fee
- Grower’s Licence$1 per annum
- Processor’s Licence$15 per annum
- Producer-Vendor’s Licence$5 per annum
- Retailer’s LicenceNo fee
- Trucker’s Licence$1 per annum for each vehicle operated by him
- Warehouser’s LicenceNo fee
- Wholesaler’s Licence$15 per annum
(2) A separate licence must be obtained for each premise, motor vehicle or building or place of storage operated.
(3) Subject to subsection (4), every licence issued to a caterer, grower, peddler, processor, retailer, trucker, warehouseman, or wholesaler shall expire on December 31st next following its date of issue.
(4) Every caterer, peddler and retailer, who in all other respects complies with the orders of the Commodity Board, shall not be required during the pleasure of the Commodity Board, to register or be licensed under this Order.
(5) Every licence is subject to cancellation by the Commodity Board, if, in its opinion, the holder of such licence has violated any order of the Commodity Board, or for such other reasons relating to control of the marketing of the regulated product as the Commodity Board may see fit.
(6) Every person who operates in any two or more of the capacities of caterer, grower, peddler, processor, retailer, trucker, warehouseman and wholesaler, and who otherwise requires to be licensed, shall obtain from the Commodity Board licences for all such capacities and he shall comply with all orders of the Commodity Board that apply to him or his operations in each such capacity.
(7) No person who holds a valid licence to operate in any capacity set forth in paragraph 3(a) of the General Orders 1966 of the British Columbia Turkey Marketing Board shall be required to pay any fee for any licence required under section 3 thereof.
5 (1) The Commodity Board shall designate the agencies through which the regulated product shall be processed, packed, stored or marketed.
(2) Until otherwise directed by the Commodity Board, all processors in the Province of British Columbia licensed by the Commodity Board are designated as agencies.
(3) Every agency shall receive, process and market all the regulated product that it is authorized to process, pack, store or market, delivered to it or to its order, in compliance with the orders of the Commodity Board.
(4) Every agency shall be required to make a deduction from the grower’s account as a fixed charge on each and every shipment received by it for purchase or marketing of such an amount as may be determined from time to time by the Commodity Board.
(5) Every agency shall make up a statement on the last day of each month showing the name and address of each grower from whom the agency received the regulated product, the number of birds received, the price paid therefor, and the amount deducted for the account of the Commodity Board for each grower and this statement and the monies so collected, shall be forwarded to the Commodity Board’s office not later than the 15th day of the month next following.
(6) Every producer-vendor shall be required to make a remittance to the Commodity Board as a fixed charge on each and every bird marketed by him such an amount as may be determined from time to time by the Commodity Board.
(7) Every agency shall deduct from the price paid to the grower and pay to the Commodity Board $0.0025 for each pound of the regulated product received by the agency and each producer-vendor shall remit a similar amount for each pound of the regulated product marketed by him.
(8) No agency shall, unless specifically ordered by the Commodity Board so to do, receive, process, pack, store or market any of the regulated product in respect of which there has occurred any disobedience of or non-compliance with any orders of the Commodity Board, and any agency that does so or fails itself to comply with any orders of the Commodity Board may have its licence cancelled by the Commodity Board.
(9) No agency shall, unless specifically ordered by the Commodity Board to do so, accept, process, pack, store or market any regulated product that is grown by any grower who does not hold a subsisting grower’s licence, or that is not delivered to it or to its order under a valid transport order.
(10) Every agency shall be entitled to sell the regulated product directly to a retailer, peddler, caterer, processor, wholesaler or consumer and shall be entitled to charge the normal wholesale spread in effect at the time of such sale.
(11) Any agency designated as an agency by the Commodity Board may make arrangements with any other agency for the processing, packing, storing or marketing of the regulated product over which the first agency has authority by the other agency, either in the name of the first agency or of the other agency, provided that the agencies involved may make such arrangements as to remuneration for such services and the costs of transportation as they mutually agree.
Product Requirements
6 (1) All agencies shall file with the Commodity Board an estimate of their requirements for the regulated product for a period of at least the 12 months next ensuing, this estimate to be continually updated so that at no time is there less than one year’s advance requirements on record with the Commodity Board.
(2) The Commodity Board shall consider the requirements for the regulated product of all agencies as submitted by them and the Commodity Board may issue quotas and make regulations with respect to the transportation, processing, packing, storage and marketing of the regulated product which in its opinion the Commodity Board may deem are required for the purposes of fulfilling the aforesaid requirements.
(3) Except as provided by this Order, no person shall be entitled to market, process, pack or store or cause or permit to be marketed, processed, packed or stored any of the regulated product for consumption or resale outside British Columbia in excess of any quota issued by the Commodity Board.
(4) No grower who produces any of the regulated product in excess of any quota issued by the Commodity Board in respect of such grower and who desires to market the product for consumption or resale outside British Columbia shall
(a) market or cause or permit to be marketed any of the regulated product in excess of the quota without having first obtained a transport order in respect thereof;
(b) market or cause or permit to be marketed any of the regulated product in excess of the quota except to or through an agency, without first having obtained the written permission of the Commodity Board or a duly authorized employee of the Commodity Board or some other person authorized by the Commodity Board so to do; or
(c) store or cause or permit to be stored any of the regulated product in excess of the quota except through or with an agency, and every grower so storing or causing or permitting to be stored any of the regulated product in excess of the quota through or with an agency shall authorize the agency to issue or cause to be issued to the Commodity Board a warehouse receipt in respect of all of the regulated product in excess of the quota.
(5) Every agency that receives any of the regulated product from a grower in excess of a quota issued in respect of that grower which is intended to be marketed for consumption or resale outside British Columbia shall
(a) keep separate and clearly identified all of the regulated product in excess of the quota;
(b) keep accurate records of all of the regulated product in excess of the quota;
(c) deliver or cause to be delivered to the Commodity Board forthwith upon receipt of the regulated product in excess of the quota a warehouse receipt covering the regulated product in excess of the quota; and
(d) upon request satisfy the Commodity Board that any regulated product processed, packed, stored or marketed by it in respect of which no warehouse receipt has been delivered and which is not kept separate and clearly identified and recorded pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (b) is not the regulated product of any grower or growers in excess of the quotas in respect of that grower or growers.
(6) No agency shall, in respect of any regulated product in excess of any quota issued in respect of any person by the Commodity Board which is intended to be marketed for consumption or resale outside British Columbia,
(a) market or cause to be marketed any of the regulated product in excess of any quota without first having obtained a transport order in respect thereof; or
(b) process, pack or store any of the regulated product in excess of any quota without first having obtained from the Commodity Board or a duly authorized employee of the Commodity Board or some other individual authorized by the Commodity Board written permission so to do.
(7) The Commodity Board may refuse to release any warehouse receipt, issue any transport order or give any permission in respect of any of the regulated product in excess of any quota until, in its opinion, the total or a portion of such regulated product in excess of quota can be marketed without adversely affecting the orderly marketing of the regulated product.
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