Carriages and Strollers Regulations
Registration 2023-05-19
Carriages and Strollers Regulations
P.C. 2023-452 2023-05-18
Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Health, pursuant to section 37Footnote a of the Canada Consumer Product Safety ActFootnote b, makes the annexed Carriages and Strollers Regulations.
Return to footnote aS.C. 2016, c. 9, s. 67
Return to footnote bS.C. 2010, c. 21
Marginal note:Definitions
1 The following definitions apply in these Regulations.
- ASTM F833
ASTM F833 means the ASTM F833 standard entitled Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Carriages and Strollers, published by ASTM International, as amended from time to time. (norme ASTM F833)
- carriage
carriage means a wheeled vehicle that is designed to transport a child in a reclined or horizontal position, and includes a wheeled vehicle that is designed to be converted to function as a carriage and has been so converted. (landau)
- good laboratory practices
good laboratory practices means practices that are in accordance with the principles set out in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development document entitled OECD Principles of Good Laboratory Practice, Number 1 of the OECD Series on Principles of Good Laboratory Practice and Compliance Monitoring, ENV/MC/CHEM(98)17, the English version of which is dated January 21, 1998 and the French version of which is dated March 6, 1998. (bonnes pratiques de laboratoire)
- good scientific practices
good scientific practices means
- The following provision is not in force.
(a) in the case of test data, conditions and procedures that are in accordance with or equivalent to those set out in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development document entitled OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, as amended from time to time; and
- The following provision is not in force.
(b) in the case of laboratory practices, good laboratory practices. (bonnes pratiques scientifiques)
- ISO 31110
ISO 31110 means the ISO 31110 standard entitled Wheeled child conveyances — Pushchairs and prams — Requirements and test methods, published by the International Organization for Standardization, as amended from time to time. (norme ISO 31110)
- LC50
LC50 means the concentration of a substance in air that, when administered by means of inhalation over a specified length of time in an animal assay, is expected to cause the death of at least 50% of a defined population of animals. (CL50)
- LD50
LD50 means the single dose of a substance that, when administered by a defined route in an animal assay, is expected to cause the death of at least 50% of a defined population of animals. (DL50)
- stroller
stroller means a wheeled vehicle that is designed to transport a child in a seated position and includes a wheeled vehicle that is designed to be converted to function as a stroller and has been so converted. (poussette)
Technical Requirements
Marginal note:Requirements — standards
- The following provision is not in force.
2 (1) Carriages and strollers must meet either
- The following provision is not in force.
(a) the requirements set out in ASTM F833, except sections 5.3, 5.12, 8 and 9 of that standard, or
- The following provision is not in force.
(b) the requirements set out in sections 6.8 and 6.10 of ASTM F833 and those set out in ISO 31110, except sections 6, 7 and 10 of ISO 31110.
- The following provision is not in force.
Marginal note:Compliance period
(2) Despite subsection (1), a carriage or stroller that meets the requirements set out in either paragraph (1)(a) or (b) as the requirements read on the day before the day on which a new version of ASTM F833 or ISO 31110, as the case may be, is published may continue to meet those requirements for the following activities:
- The following provision is not in force.
(a) in the case of the manufacture or import of a carriage or stroller, for the period of 180 days that begins on the day on which the new version of the applicable standard is published; and
- The following provision is not in force.
(b) in the case of the advertising or sale of a carriage or stroller, for the period of 365 days that begins on the day on which the new version of the applicable standard is published.
Marginal note:Prohibited substances
3 A carriage or stroller must not contain any of the following substances if the substance could, under reasonably foreseeable circumstances, become accessible to a child or, if the substance is used as a filling, could be released on breakage or leakage:
- The following provision is not in force.
(a) carbon tetrachloride or any substance that contains it;
- The following provision is not in force.
(b) any substance that contains more than 10 mg of methyl alcohol per gram;
- The following provision is not in force.
(c) any substance that contains more than 100 mg of petroleum distillates per gram;
- The following provision is not in force.
(d) benzene;
- The following provision is not in force.
(e) any substance that contains more than 100 mg of turpentine per gram;
- The following provision is not in force.
(f) boric acid or salts of boric acid;
- The following provision is not in force.
(g) ethyl ether.
Marginal note:Toxic substances
4 If a carriage or stroller contains a toxic substance, at least one of the following requirements must be met:
- The following provision is not in force.
(a) the substance must not be capable of being ingested, inhaled or absorbed through the skin because of the nature, physical form, size or any other characteristic of the carriage or stroller;
- The following provision is not in force.
(b) the total quantity of the substance for a child who has a body weight of 10 kg must not exceed the lesser of
(i) 1% of the oral LD50 as determined in accordance with good scientific practices, and
(ii) 1% of the dermal LD50 as determined in accordance with good scientific practices;
- The following provision is not in force.
(c) the toxicity of the substance must not exceed the limits set out in Schedule 1.
Marginal note:Specific substances in surface coatings
- The following provision is not in force.
5 (1) A sticker, film or other similar material that can be removed, or a surface coating material, that is applied to an accessible part of a carriage or stroller must not contain, when it is tested in accordance with a method that conforms to good laboratory practices,
- The following provision is not in force.
(a) more than 90 mg/kg total lead;
- The following provision is not in force.
(b) any compound of antimony, arsenic, cadmium, selenium or barium if more than 1000 mg/kg of the compound migrates from the material; or
- The following provision is not in force.
(c) more than 10 mg/kg total mercury.
- The following provision is not in force.
Marginal note:Definition of accessible part and surface coating material
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), accessible part and surface coating material have the same meanings as in section 1 of the Surface Coating Materials Regulations.
Marginal note:Phthalates — DEHP, DBP and BBP
6 The vinyl in a carriage or stroller must not contain more than 1000 mg/kg of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), dibutyl phthalate (DBP) or benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP) when tested in accordance with a method that conforms to good laboratory practices.
Marginal note:Phthalates — DINP, DIDP and DNOP
- The following provision is not in force.
7 (1) The vinyl in any part of a carriage or stroller that can, in a reasonably foreseeable manner, be placed in the mouth of a child under four years of age must not contain more than 1000 mg/kg of diisononyl phthalate (DINP), diisodecyl phthalate (DIDP) or di-n-octyl phthalate (DNOP) when tested in accordance with a method that conforms to good laboratory practices.
- The following provision is not in force.
Marginal note:Interpretation
(2) For the purpose of subsection (1), a part of a carriage or stroller can be placed in the mouth of a child under four years of age if
- The following provision is not in force.
(a) it can be brought to the child’s mouth and kept there so that it can be sucked or chewed; and
- The following provision is not in force.
(b) one of its dimensions is less than 5 cm.
- The following provision is not in force.
Marginal note:Dimensions — deflated state
(3) For the purpose of paragraph (2)(b), if a part of a carriage or stroller is inflatable, its dimensions must be determined in its deflated state.
Presentation of Information
Marginal note:Languages and legibility
8 The information required by these Regulations must
- The following provision is not in force.
(a) be displayed in both English and French; and
- The following provision is not in force.
(b) be legible and clearly displayed, including being printed in characters whose colour contrasts sharply with the background.
Marginal note:Print
- The following provision is not in force.
9 (1) The information required by these Regulations must be printed in a sans-serif type that
- The following provision is not in force.
(a) is not compressed, expanded or decorative;
- The following provision is not in force.
(b) has a large x-height relative to the ascender or descender of the type, as illustrated in Schedule 2; and
- The following provision is not in force.
(c) has a minimum height of 2.5 mm.
- The following provision is not in force.
Marginal note:Height of type
(2) The height of the type is determined by measuring an upper-case letter or a lower-case letter that has an ascender or a descender, such as “b” or “p”.
Marginal note:Signal words
10 The signal words “WARNING” and “MISE EN GARDE” must be displayed in upper-case type.
Required Information
Marginal note:Reference to Canada Consumer Product Safety Act or these Regulations
11 Information that appears on a carriage or stroller, that accompanies a carriage or stroller or that is in any advertisement for a carriage or stroller must not make any direct or indirect reference to the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act or these Regulations.
Marginal note:Information — general
- The following provision is not in force.
12 (1) The following information must be permanently printed on every carriage or stroller or on a label that is permanently affixed to it:
- The following provision is not in force.
(a) in the case of a carriage or stroller that is manufactured in Canada, the name and principal place of business of the manufacturer or the person for which the carriage or stroller was manufactured;
- The following provision is not in force.
(b) in the case of a carriage or stroller that is imported for commercial purposes, the name and principal place of business of the manufacturer, the person for whom the carriage or stroller was manufactured or the importer;
- The following provision is not in force.
(c) the model name or model number of the carriage or stroller; and
- The following provision is not in force.
(d) the year and month of manufacture of the carriage or stroller.
- The following provision is not in force.
Marginal note:Additional information
(2) Every carriage or stroller must display or be accompanied by the following information, with line drawings or photographs illustrating the sequence of steps if needed:
- The following provision is not in force.
(a) if it is sold not fully assembled, how it is to be assembled;
- The following provision is not in force.
(b) if it is capable of being folded, how it is to be folded and unfolded;
- The following provision is not in force.
(c) the manufacturer’s recommended maximum weight of the child;
- The following provision is not in force.
(d) the manufacturer’s recommended use positions;
- The following provision is not in force.
(e) the operation of the braking device;
- The following provision is not in force.
(f) how the child restraint system is to be used;
- The following provision is not in force.
(g) in the case of carriages or strollers with an integral or added part that is intended to carry a load, the maximum permissible load;
- The following provision is not in force.
(h) the maintenance and cleaning instructions; and
- The following provision is not in force.
(i) any other information for safe usage.
Marginal note:Warning — general
13 The following warning, or its equivalent, must be permanently printed on every carriage or stroller or on a label that is permanently affixed to it:
- •Never leave child unattended.
- •Avoid serious injury to child from falling or sliding out. Always use the child restraint system.
- •Ne jamais laisser l’enfant sans surveillance.
- •Des blessures graves peuvent survenir si l’enfant tombe ou glisse du siège. Toujours utiliser le système de retenue.
Marginal note:Warning and instructions — removable wheel
14 In the case of a carriage or stroller with a removable wheel-fork assembly, the following must be permanently printed on the wheel fork or on a label that is permanently affixed to it:
- The following provision is not in force.
(a) the following warning or its equivalent:
- •Fall Hazard. Wheel can detach and cause tip over.
- •Risque de chute. Le landau ou la poussette risque de basculer si la roue amovible se détache.
- The following provision is not in force.
(b) information that states how to verify that the wheel is securely attached.
Marginal note:Warning — foam
15 In the case of a carriage or stroller with a removable cover placed over foam on a tray or grab bar, the following warning, or its equivalent, must be permanently printed on the foam or on a label that is permanently affixed to it:
- •Choking hazard. Only use with cover installed.
- •Risque d’étouffement. Utiliser seulement lorsque le recouvrement est installé.
Marginal note:Warning — precaution
16 Every carriage or stroller must display or be accompanied by the following warning or its equivalent:
- •To avoid injuries from finger entrapment, keep child away from this product when unfolding and folding it.
- •The carriage or stroller will become unstable if the manufacturer’s recommended load is exceeded.
- •Pour éviter toute blessure aux doigts, tenir l’enfant à l’écart lors du repliage et du dépliage.
- •Tout poids supérieur à la limite recommandée par le fabricant rendra le landau ou la poussette instable.
Marginal note:Information — container
- The following provision is not in force.
17 (1) The following information must be permanently printed on a container in which a carriage or stroller is sold to a consumer or on a label that is permanently affixed to the container:
- The following provision is not in force.
(a) in the case of a carriage or stroller that is manufactured in Canada, the name and principal place of business of the manufacturer or the person for which the carriage or stroller was manufactured;
- The following provision is not in force.
(b) in the case of a carriage or stroller that is imported for commercial purposes, the name and principal place of business of the manufacturer, the person for which the carriage or stroller was manufactured or the importer;
- The following provision is not in force.
(c) the model name or model number of the carriage or stroller; and
- The following provision is not in force.
(d) the year and month of manufacture of the carriage or stroller.
- The following provision is not in force.
Marginal note:Warning — container
(2) A flexible film bag that contains a carriage or stroller or that is in the container must meet at least one of the following requirements:
- The following provision is not in force.
(a) it must have an opening of less than 356 mm in circumference;
- The following provision is not in force.
(b) it must be made from film that is at least 0.019 mm thick and must display the following warning or its equivalent:
The following provision is not in force.WARNING
- •Plastic bags can be dangerous. To avoid danger of suffocation, keep this bag away from babies and children.
The following provision is not in force.MISE EN GARDE
- •Les sacs de plastique peuvent être dangereux. Pour éviter le danger de suffocation, ne laissez pas ce sac à la portée des bébés ni des enfants.
Transitional Provision
Marginal note:180 days
18 A carriage or stroller, as those terms are defined in section 1 of the Carriages and Strollers Regulations as it reads as of the day on which these Regulations come into force, may satisfy the requirements of the Carriages and Strollers Regulations, as they read immediately before that day, for the period of 180 days that begins on that day.
19 [Amendments]
Coming into Force
Footnote *20 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are published in the Canada Gazette, Part II.
Return to footnote *[Note: Regulations in force June 7, 2023.]
SCHEDULE 1(Paragraph 4(c))Permissible Limits of Toxicity
- The following provision is not in force.
- The following provision is not in force.
1 (1) For the purposes of these Regulations, a substance or stuffing material is toxic for humans in all of the following cases:
- The following provision is not in force.
(a) its acute oral LD50 value for rat is 5 g or less per kilogram of body weight;
- The following provision is not in force.
(b) its acute dermal LD50 value for rabbit is 2 g or less per kilogram of body weight;
- The following provision is not in force.
(c) its LC50 value for a one-hour exposure, determined using acute toxicity test results for rats, is 20,000 ppm by volume of gas or vapour or less, or 200 mg/L by volume of mist or dust or less, if gas, vapour, mist or dust is likely to be encountered when the substance or stuffing material is used in a reasonably foreseeable manner.
- The following provision is not in force.
(2) LD50 and LC50 values are to be determined in accordance with good scientific practices.
SCHEDULE 2(Paragraph 9(1)(b))Standard Sans-serif Type

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