Oil and Gas Occupational Safety and Health Regulations (SOR/87-612)
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Regulations are current to 2024-12-23 and last amended on 2024-11-30. Previous Versions
PART XIVTools and Machinery (continued)
Use, Operation, Repair and Maintenance of Machine Guards (continued)
14.16 (1) Subject to subsection (2), where it is necessary to remove a machine guard from a machine in order to perform repair or maintenance work on the machine, no person shall perform the repair or maintenance work unless the machine has been rendered inoperative.
(2) Where it is not reasonably practicable to render a machine referred to in subsection (1) inoperative in order to perform repair or maintenance work on the machine, the work may be performed if the person performing the work is a qualified person.
Abrasive Wheels
14.17 Abrasive wheels shall be
(a) used only on machines equipped with machine guards,
(b) mounted between flanges, and
(c) operated
in accordance with sections 4 to 6 of CSA Standard B173.5-1979, Safety Requirements for the Use, Care and Protection of Abrasive Wheels, dated February 1979.
14.18 A bench grinder shall be equipped with a work rest or other device that
(a) prevents the work piece from jamming between the abrasive wheel and the wheel guard; and
(b) does not make contact with the abrasive wheel at any time.
Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus
14.19 Equipment used in the mechanical transmission of power shall be guarded in accordance with sections 7 to 10 of ANSI Standard ANSI B15.1-1972, Safety Standard for Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus, dated July 1972.
Woodworking Machinery
14.20 Woodworking machinery shall be guarded in accordance with clause 3.3 of CSA Standard Z114-M1977, Safety Code for the Woodworking Industry, dated March 1977.
Punch Presses
14.21 Punch presses shall meet the standards set out in CSA Standard Z142-1976, Code for the Guarding of Punch Presses at Point of Operation, the English version of which is dated February 1976 and the French version of which is dated February 1977.
- SOR/94-165, s. 53
- SOR/2022-94, s. 11(F)
PART XVMaterials Handling
15.1 In this Part,
- materials handling area
materials handling area means an area within which materials handling equipment may create a hazard to any person; (aire de manutention des matériaux)
- materials handling equipment
materials handling equipment means equipment used to transport, lift, move or position materials, goods or things and includes mobile equipment but does not include an elevating device; (appareil de manutention des matériaux)
- operator
operator means an employee who operates materials handling equipment; (conducteur)
- safe working load
safe working load means, with respect to materials handling equipment, the maximum load that the materials handling equipment is designed and constructed to handle or support safely; (charge de travail admissible)
- signaller
signaller means a person instructed by an employer to direct, by means of visual or auditory signals, the safe movement and operation of materials handling equipment. (signaleur)
15.2 This Part does not apply to or in respect of the use and operation of
(a) motor vehicles on public roads; or
(b) tackle used in the loading or unloading of ships.
DIVISION IDesign and Construction
15.3 (1) The design and construction of drilling and production hoisting equipment shall meet the standards set out in API Standard API SPEC 8A, API Specification for Drilling and Production Hoisting Equipment, Eleventh Edition, dated May 1, 1985.
(2) The design and construction of offshore cranes shall meet the standards set out in API Standard API Spec 2C, API Specification for Offshore Cranes, Third Edition, dated March 1983 as amended to May 1984.
15.4 (1) Materials handling equipment shall, so far as is reasonably practicable, be so designed and constructed that if there is a failure of any part of the materials handling equipment, it will not result in loss of control of the materials handling equipment or create a hazardous condition.
(2) All glass in doors, windows and other parts of materials handling equipment shall be of a type that will not shatter into sharp or dangerous pieces on impact.
- SOR/94-165, s. 54(F)
Protection from Falling Objects
15.5 (1) Where materials handling equipment is used under such circumstances that the operator may be struck by a falling object or shifting load, the employer shall equip the materials handling equipment with a protective structure of such a design, construction and strength that it will, under all foreseeable conditions, prevent the penetration of the object or load into the area occupied by the operator.
(2) A protective structure referred to in subsection (1) shall be
(a) constructed from non-combustible or fire resistant material; and
(b) designed to permit quick exit from the materials handling equipment in an emergency.
15.6 Where, during the loading or unloading of materials handling equipment, the load will pass over the operator’s position, the operator shall not occupy the materials handling equipment unless it is equipped with a protective structure referred to in section 15.5.
Protection from Overturning
15.7 (1) Where mobile equipment is used in circumstances where it may turn over, it shall be fitted with a rollover protection device that meets the standards set out in CSA Standard B352-M1980, Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS) for Agricultural, Construction, Eathmoving, Forestry, Industrial and Mining Machines, the English version of which is dated September 1980 and the French version of which is dated April 1991.
(2) Guards shall be installed on the deck of every drilling unit, production facility and elevated working area on which mobile equipment is used to prevent the equipment from falling over the sides of the deck or area.
- SOR/94-165, s. 55
- SOR/2022-94, s. 11(F)
Fuel Tanks
15.8 Where a fuel tank, compressed gas cylinder or similar container contains a hazardous substance and is mounted on materials handling equipment, it shall be
(a) so located or protected that under all conditions it is not hazardous to the safety or health of an employee who is required to operate or ride on the materials handling equipment; and
(b) connected to fuel overflow and vent pipes that are so located that fuel spills and vapours cannot
(i) be ignited by hot exhaust pipes or other hot or sparking parts, or
(ii) be hazardous to the safety or health of any employee who is required to operate or ride on the materials handling equipment.
- SOR/88-199, s. 19
- SOR/94-165, s. 56(F)
- SOR/2014-141, s. 14(F)
Protection from Environmental Conditions
15.9 (1) Materials handling equipment that is regularly used outdoors shall be fitted with a roof or other structure that will protect the operator from exposure to any environmental condition that is likely to be hazardous to his safety or health.
(2) Where heat produced by materials handling equipment is capable of raising the temperature in any area occupied by an employee on the equipment to 27°C or more, the area shall be protected from the heat by an insulated barrier.
15.10 All materials handling equipment shall be so designed and constructed that the operator will not be injured or his control of the materials handling equipment impaired by any vibration, jolting or other uneven movement of the materials handling equipment.
15.11 The arrangement and design of dial displays and the controls and general layout and design of the operator’s compartment or position on all materials handling equipment shall not hinder or prevent the operator from operating the materials handling equipment.
Fire Extinguishers
15.12 (1) Mobile equipment that is used or operated for transporting or handling combustible or flammable substances shall be equipped with a portable dry chemical fire extinguisher.
(2) The fire extinguisher referred to in subsection (1) shall
(a) have not less than a 5B rating, as defined in the ULC Standard; and
(b) be so located that it is readily accessible to the operator while he is in the operating position.
Means of Entering and Exiting
15.13 All materials handling equipment shall be provided with a step, handhold or other means of entering into and exiting from the compartment or position of the operator and any other place on the equipment that an employee enters in order to service the equipment.
15.14 Where mobile equipment is used or operated by an employee in a work place at night or at any time when the level of lighting within the work place is less than 1 dalx, the mobile equipment shall be
(a) fitted on the front and rear thereof with warning lights that are visible from a distance of not less than 100 m; and
(b) provided with lighting that ensures the safe operation of the equipment under all conditions of use.
Control Systems
15.15 All mobile equipment shall be fitted with braking, steering and other control systems that
(a) are capable of safely controlling and stopping the movement of the mobile equipment and any hoist, bucket or other part of the mobile equipment; and
(b) respond reliably and quickly to moderate effort on the part of the operator.
15.16 Any mobile equipment that is normally used for transporting employees from place to place in a work place shall be equipped with
(a) a mechanical parking brake; and
(b) a hydraulic or pneumatic braking system.
15.17 Mobile equipment shall be fitted with a horn or similar audible warning device having a distinctive sound that can be clearly heard above the noise of the equipment and any surrounding noise.
Seat Belts
15.18 Where mobile equipment is used under conditions where a seat belt or shoulder strap type restraining device is likely to contribute to the safety of the operator or passengers, the mobile equipment shall be fitted with such a belt or device.
Rear View Mirror
15.19 Where mobile equipment cannot be operated safely in reverse unless it is equipped with a rear view mirror, the mobile equipment shall be so equipped.
Electric Materials Handling Equipment
15.20 Any materials handling equipment that is electrically powered shall be so designed and constructed that the operator and all other employees are protected from electrical shock or injury by means of protective guards, screens or panels secured by bolts, screws or other equally reliable fasteners.
Automatic Materials Handling Equipment
15.21 Where materials handling equipment that is controlled or operated by a remote or automatic system may make physical contact with an employee, it shall be prevented from doing so by the provision of an emergency stop system or barricades.
15.22 The design, construction, installation, operation and maintenance of each conveyor, cableway or other similar materials handling equipment shall meet the standards set out in ASME Standard ANSI/ASME B20.1-1984, Safety Standards for Conveyors and Related Equipment, dated May 31, 1984.
- SOR/94-165, s. 57
DIVISION IIMaintenance, Operation and Use
Inspection, Testing and Maintenance
15.23 (1) Before materials handling equipment is operated for the first time in a work place, the employer shall set out in writing instructions for the inspection, testing and maintenance of that materials handling equipment.
(2) The instructions referred to in subsection (1) shall, subject to section 15.25, specify the nature and frequency of inspections, tests and maintenance.
15.24 (1) Every inspection, test and maintenance of materials handling equipment shall be performed by a qualified person.
(2) The qualified person referred to in subsection (1) shall
(a) comply with the instructions referred to in subsection 15.23(1); and
(b) make and sign a report of each inspection, test or maintenance work performed by him.
(3) The report referred to in paragraph (2)(b) shall
(a) include the date of the inspection, test or maintenance performed by the qualified person;
(b) identify the materials handling equipment that was inspected, tested or maintained; and
(c) set out the safety observations of the qualified person inspecting, testing or maintaining the materials handling equipment.
(4) The employer shall keep at the work place at which the materials handling equipment is located a copy of
(a) the instructions referred to in subsection 15.23(1), for as long as the materials handling equipment is in use; and
(b) the report referred to in paragraph (2)(b) for one year after the report is signed.
15.25 (1) The operation, maintenance and inspection of all draw works and associated equipment shall meet the standards set out in the API Standard API RP 8B, API Recommended Practice for Hoisting Tool Inspection and Maintenance Procedures, Fourth Edition, dated April 1979.
(2) The operation, maintenance and inspection of offshore cranes shall meet the standards set out in the API Standard API RP 2D API Recommended Practice for Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Cranes, Second Edition, dated June 20, 1984.
Ropes, Slings and Chains
15.26 The employer shall, with respect to the use and maintenance of any rope or sling or any attachment or fitting thereon used by an employee, adopt and implement the recommendations set out in chapter 5 of the Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial Operations, Engineering and Technology, 8th Edition, published by the National Safety Council of the United States, dated 1980.
15.27 The employer shall, with respect to the use and maintenance of any chain used by an employee, adopt and implement the code of practice set out in CSA Standard B75-1947, Code of Practice for the Use and Care of Chain, dated May 1947.
15.28 (1) Every operator shall be instructed and trained by the employer in the procedures to be followed for
(a) the inspection of the materials handling equipment;
(b) the fuelling of the materials handling equipment, where applicable; and
(c) the safe and proper use of the materials handling equipment.
(2) Every employer shall keep a record of any instruction or training given to an operator for as long as the operator remains in his employ.
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